

第七屆台日放射腫瘤交流研討會,將於今年511日(周六)假日本東京御台場Miraikan Hall 7樓舉行,目前正籌備各項事宜,有意投稿者,請留意以下訊息,於2月15日前提供摘要,提早準備,謝謝


2019 JTROS大會主席•茂松直之教授 (JASTRO理事長),大會祕書•Dr. 大橋俊夫聯名來函 (如下述),誠摯邀請TASTRO 會員參加 2019 JTROS. 請參照附件.

台灣放腫學會 秘書處謹上




Dear all TASTRO members and associates



The 7th annual Japan-Taiwan Radiation Oncology Symposium will be held on May 11, 2019.

The main theme of this conference is “百花繚乱”. This term means “many flowers blooming in profusion”, but also means “simultaneous emergence of many talents and achievements”. It is my honor and privilege to invite you to join the many fruitful discussions and scientific advancements expected to take place at this symposium.



Visit our website below. Call for papers has started January 4, and applications will be accepted through March 8.  Keep the date, and we look forward to having you with us!





Best Regards,


President, Naoyuki Shigematsu, M.D., Ph.D. 

President of JASTRO, Keio University School of Medicine




Conference Outline

Meeting: 7th annual Japan-Taiwan Oncology Symposium

Date: May 11, 2019

Venue: Miraikan – The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, 7th Floor

2-3-6 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan / Tel: +81-3-3570-9151(main)




Program (to be scheduled):

Keynote address, invited lecture, symposium “百花繚乱”, general sessions (oral/poster), luncheon seminars, afternoon seminars, exhibitions

Congress secretariat: Department of Radiation Oncology, Keio University School of Medicine


Contact address:







1. 為配合日方投稿相關規定,投稿者全程均以英文發表(含poster亦是),投稿內容可涵蓋:臨床、物理、輻生及腫瘤護理四大類,歡迎各會員投稿報名


2. 為便於本會籌措募款經費,凡放腫會員有意投稿者,請於215前,回報秘書處講題250字內摘要,以利於下次理監事會議上,彙整報告投稿類別及總篇數


3. 屆時投稿者將以口頭發表為優先,維持往年12篇左右,加上3symposiumKeynote Speech;若投稿篇數過多時,則改為poster方式發表


4. 215名截止後,將邀請本會教育學術委員會組成評審團評審,按投稿內容評分,依分數高低錄取,討論決定口頭發表及或以Poster方式發表


5. 入選者,擇日再個別通知,請入選者依大會規定投稿格式(如附加檔),再一次自行投稿至日方主辦單位(屆時再通知入選者日方主辦郵件信箱),始完成報名動作


6. 若投稿字數超過250字者,主辦單位日方有權退回修改,因此造成錯過日方收件日期,將由當事人自行負責,敬請留意


7. 凡入選為口頭報告(或poster)者,於回國後3日內繳交電子機票登機證等證明文件(屆時另行通知核銷相關規定),核銷資料齊全者,每位可獲學會(實支實付)補助經濟艙來回$12,000元上限;


8. 有意投稿者,請先投稿至學會秘書處若未先行透過學會秘書處收件審核,自行投稿至日本主辦單位者,將視同放棄申請本會交通費補助,特此說明!


9. 2019第7屆台日放射腫瘤研討會官網:https://jtros2019.com


10. 其餘未盡事宜,將隨時轉通知會員

台灣放射腫瘤學會  秘書處  敬啟





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