





(一)凡在放射線科(放射線腫瘤)專科醫師訓練醫院完成四年以上之放射線腫瘤臨床訓練,取得該醫院訓練期滿之證明文件,且至少有一篇以第一作者身份投稿並經刊登於國內外醫學期刊之放射治療相關文章,積分達一百點以上者。積分之計算方式為,台灣放射腫瘤學會(以下簡稱學會)官方期刊及SCI 收錄之期刊一篇原著(original article)一百點(包括含原始研究內容之research letter),其餘簡報型論文、review article及個案報告(case report)五十點其他期刊之原著(original article)二十點,個案報告(case report)十點。以上積分再根據作者列名乘積如下列入計算: 單一第一作者乘以100%,非單一第一作者(例如: 有列共同第一作者)乘以75%,第二作者乘以50%,其他作者乘以20%

註:簡報型論文(Brief Report)包括: Accelerated(Rapid)Publication、Short(Brief)Report、short or brief communication、 Letter to the Editor、Comments、Scientific Correspondence、Meeting Report等。內容具正式論文的分段式架構。
Brief reports communicate brief reports of data from original research that editors believe will be interesting to many researchers, and that will likely stimulate further research in the field. These reports are similar to original research in that they follow the same rigor, format and guidelines, but are designed for small-scale research or research that is in early stages of development. These may include preliminary studies that utilize a simple research design or a small sample size and that have produced limited pilot data and initial findings that indicate need for further investigation.  Brief reports are much shorter than manuscripts associated with a more advanced, larger-scale research project. This format often has strict length limits.



Q:簡報型論文:想請問是去學會報告簡報嗎??如:Oral presentation 或是poster發表,算是meeting report嗎?

A:需刊登在有Peer review的正式醫學雜誌,而非只在醫學會議口頭報告或poster


2. 2020年甄審使用2019年出版的教科書(新書名單如下)
1) Radiobiology for the Radiologist (輻射生物學), 2019 ( 8th edition, Eric J. Hall)
2) Basic Clinical Radiobiology (
輻射生物學), 2019 ( 5th edition, Michael Joiner and Albert van der Kogel)
3) Principle and Practice of Radiation Oncology, 2019 ( 7th edition)

