
  1. 「放射治療與腫瘤學」稿約歡迎放射腫瘤學、放射生物學、保健物理學、放射物理學及其他相關腫瘤學等方面的中英文稿,但以未曾刊登且不同時投寄於其他雜誌者為限。投稿時請附上所有作者簽名蓋章之稿約投稿著作財產權轉移同意書證明。
  2. 文稿按性質分為原著(Original Papers)、短論(Brief Communications)、綜論(Review Articles)、特稿(Special Articles)、技術要言(Technical Innovations and Notes)、腫瘤新知(Oncology Intel-ligence)、病例報告(Case Report)等七種。文稿長度以不超過 10頁為原則。另有書信(Correspondence)等,以推廣新知,交換工作心得,文稿宜短。
  3. 文稿如經本刊登載,版權即屬「放射治療與腫瘤學」期刊所有。
  4. 論著指獨家創見或廣泛的、深入的文獻分析,以指引學術發展的動向,文稿格式自定。研究報告應分前言(引言)、材料與方法、結果、討論及參考文獻等數段。病例報告可分前言(引言)、病例報告、討論及參考文獻等數段。文前請附 600字內的摘要。病例報告則以最簡單的文字與圖片示範,富有教育性的病例。
  5. 中文來稿請另附英文翻譯摘要,英文文稿應附中文翻譯摘要。
  6. 參考文獻不宜過多,且以文內引用者為限,以第一作者之英文姓名排序(英文在前、中文殿後),於句末用阿拉伯字標明於中括弧內。書寫方式請參考 Index Medicus,如係期刊,請按著者姓名、篇名、期刊名稱、出版年代、卷數、起迄頁數順序繕打;如係書籍,請按作者姓名、篇名、作者姓名、書名、版次、出版地、出版商、出版年代、起迄頁數順序繕打。著者在六名或六名以內,全部列出;七名或七名以上,僅列前三名,其餘以等(et al.)表示,例如:
    • Chen KY, Withers HR: Survival characteristics of stem cells of gastric mucosa in C3H mice subjected to localized gamma irradiation. Int J Radiat Biol 1972; 21: 521-534.
    • Huang SC: Nasopharyngeal cancer: a review of 1605 patients treated radically with cobalt 60. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1980; 6: 401-407.
    • Jen YM, Hsu WL, Wu CJ, et al.: Using two fractions per day in clinical radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal and non-small cell lung cancer: A tentative isoeffect dose calculation based on the LQ model and radio-biological and clinical information. Chin J Radiol 1992; 17: 325-335.
    • Tang SGJ, Lin FJ, Chen MS, et al.: Prognostic factors of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a multivariate analysis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990; 19: 1143-1149.
    • 李玉麟:醫用直線加速器的全程校驗。醫用直線加速器概論。一版 台北市嘉洲出版社 1989; 55-76.
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  8. 其他細節與格式請參閱國際醫學雜誌編輯委員會(International Committee of Medical Journal Editors)公告的生物醫學雜誌稿件與編輯的統一規格,見"Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts (URM) Submitted to Biomedical Journals"。網址為www.icmje.org。請見下頁要求內容。
  9. 以人類為研究題材時,作者必須符合赫爾辛基於西元1975年宣言及2008年修訂的相關倫理議題;作者也必須說明是否有通過人體實驗委員會的審查。關於動物實驗,作者必須說明是否遵照自己單位或國際的實驗動物照顧相關規定。
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    台北榮民總醫院 癌病中心1
    國立陽明大學 醫技系2


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  • 摘要:中英文皆以 600字為限,摘要格式除綜論與病歷報告外,其餘皆採用目的、材料與方法、結果及結論(討論)等四段落撰寫,並加關鍵詞( Key word)三至四個。


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  • 內容、次序與摘要頁之關鍵詞相對應。



  1. This journal solicits original contributions which should not contain previously published material and will not be published elsewhere. Three Copies of manuscripts printed on one side of A4 paper should be submitted (including illustrations) to the editorial office: Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Taiwan Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, R.O.C. c/o Department of Oncology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, No. 201, Sect 2, Shih-Pai Road, Taipei, Taiwan 11217 Republic of China   Fax: 886-2-28739748.
  2. Other than Original Papers, Brief Communications, Review Articles, Special Articles, Technical Innovations and Notes, Oncology Intelligence, Case Report, are also accepted.
  3. Research paper should be organized in order of title page, Abstract page (blind title, abstract, keywords), introduce-tion, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments (if necessary), references, abstract and key-words translation, tables, figure legends and figures. Each start from a new page.
  4. Case report may be organized in order of title page, Abstract page (blind title, abstract, key words), introduction, case report, discussion, references, figure legends and figures.
  5. The Chinese manuscript should have an English translation of abstract and keywords, and vice versa. Abstract and keyword of the English manuscritp from authors who are not native Chinese can be translated by editorial office.
  6. Abstract should be organized in the format of purpose, materials and methods, results and conclusion.
  7. The title page should contain title of the article; name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s); name, address, phone number, and Fax number of the corresponding author. Do not contain such information elsewhere in the manuscript to ensure an unbiased review.
  8. Acceptance of an article is based on peer review. Reviewers receive manuscripts with blind title page (title only) to ensure an unbiased review.
  9. The authors of the accepted manuscript must agree to automatically transfer the copyright to the Therapeutic Radio-logy and Oncology.
  10. The journal will assume all cost if the article does not exceefd eight pages. The authors must assume financial re-sponsibility for the cost of extra pages and color illutrations.
  11. References are numbered consecutively in the order of the lastname of the first author. All references are cited in the text and are enclosed in brackets and typed on line with the text. Names of the journal is abbreviated according to Index Medicus. Name(s) of the author(s) not more than six are factually listed. Otherwise the first three are listed and followed by ‘et al. ‘Examples:
    • Chen KY, Law CK, Chi KH, et al.: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone in nasopharyngeal cancer, in Ablashi DV, Huang AT, Pagano JS, et al. ed. Epstein-Barr Virus and Human Disease. Clifton, New Jersey Humana Press. 1990; 421-425.
    • Huang SC: Nasopharyngeal cancer: a review of 1605 patients treated radically with cobalt 60. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1980; 6: 401-407.
    • Jen YM, Hsu WL, Wu CJ, et al.: Using two fractions per day in clinical radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal and non-small cell lung cancer: A tentative isoeffect dose calculation based on the LQ model and radiobiological and clinical information. Chin J Radiol 1992; 17: 325-335.
    • Tang SGJ, Lin EJ, Chen MS, et al.: Prognostic factors of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a multivariate analysis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1990; 19: 1143-1149.
  12. Submission of a CD-R containing the text is required to reduce typing error in the process of publi-cation.
  13. The text file should be in major formats, such as Word Perfect, Word, Ami Pro etc. Authors are required to check spelling and grammar before submission.
  14. For more details, authors are advised to consult the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts (URM) Submitted to Biomedical Journals” that was updated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The web site of this institute is www.icmje.org. The editors are authorized to make changes to conform this principle to authors.
  15. When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.